Hello world.
Oh boy has nothing of any relevance happened in the last two days, but some fun and strange musings have occurred indeed.
I found out last night that a friend of over a year is actually gay, and the literally entire time I thought he was 100% straight. It really got me thinking about my own prejudices (I don't really care either way if he likes dick or not) but the fact that I had consistently ignored obvious cues in favor of hearing what I wanted to hear (that he was straight) and ignoring the endless endless signs of him being gay. Humans always hear and do what they want to ultimately, and I feel I've fallen severe victim to this. Though I am happy I'm closer with him, I value him a lot as a friend even if hes generally an asshole (in a good way) It's kind of all reminding me about how I've never really had a problem with males sexually (and have been interested them in the past) and that I've just been in a long long chain of female relationships, so its never come up. Must suck being 100% gay, your relationship selection pool is so small. I've always been forward enough to engage with women who I might not have a chance with, and really aggressively go for girls who I like. Unfortunately my taste in women always leaves me heartbroken. Between Katie, Erykka, Jessica, Sarah, and Elisa, I've never found anyone whos stayed with me, really. It's all just a big joke to people. Maybe I'm just not exciting enough for anyone
I am hoping my financial aid comes soon, I'm very low on funds on day to day life and really just need my government approved loan to hurry up and get into my bank account so I can play magic/eat again. :]
anywho, that is all.
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