I managed to get to the midnight prerelease at NW games yesterday night, which was about as fun as I could imagine. 2-2 record (pretty average) but it will definitely very fun. I'm excited by the possibility of playing this format in the future, as it seems quite good for limited PTQs. I've also been working on my deck for people to play at the PT (if I end up being able to go, the financial aid offices are being real bastards about it) and I think its just the best deck in the format. Theres only 1 deck I lose to and I think after board I have really good chances.
anyway, enough talking about things people don't care about - my life is still about as boring as ever. I think I might have a paper due thursday or tuesday..or a test. Yea I'm not sure, we need to look that one up ^^
My last.fm is pretty awesome, it has the perfect scope of music on it I live it. My top8 is like a microcosm of my musical personality in the perfect way - LOVE.
It's Katie's birthday tomorrow, and we're going to see a lovely show at the High Noon Saloon with the Weakerthans and Rock Plaza Central, being indie rocks!
OM NOMNOMNOMNOM so excited about the show!!