Sunday, October 25, 2009

Do I mean what I say, or is it just this disease ~

So not too much has been going on, but I have been furthering my life on a day to day basis. hehe.

So thursday came around, and I ended up hanging out with Becky downtown for a few hours. We walked around the museum, albeit both of us were extremely exhausted from having not slept a wink the night before. There was some very boring politically motivated art on the 2nd floor of the museum, that I do not suggest anyone go see. It was very boring art. The exhibit closest to state street was under construction as they were putting up something new there, so we did much less museum time wasting than we had hoped.

Afterwards, we took a walk down statestreet to a store where Becky's friend works. I do not recall her name, but she was very cool and fun to talk to, and we all sort of stood around distracting her from her work, talking about a terrible old daycare job they both had, and generally having a good time laughing/joking around and telling stories. We did her friend a favor and did a starbucks run for her, and then did a bit more talking before I had to take the bus home, and supposedly meet up with my friend Katie Lee around 6 at my house.

On the bus, there was a very complex situation involving the police, assault, and events that had happened prior involving kids who attend East high school beating the snot out of some random guy. I got off the bus before the police bust was going to happen, involving all those kids who beat him up getting arrested and him pressing charges. Pretty anxious bus ride, I REALLY wanted to get off haha. When I got home, I found that Katie wasn't actually going to be coming over, and she had to cancel because of family issues involving her cousin cutting his hand quite deep. I got a 5$ pizza with Madison, ate half, and then promptly passed out for two hours.

In the morning I woke up around 5am. Lately, my ex Katrina and I have not been talking whatsoever, or at least, very minimally, but I basically talk her that if she wants to talk to me theres no reason in being miserable and bored and not doing so. She's going to be reading my blog and keeping track of what I'm doing on a day to day basis (because shes kind of nosey, but thats not a bad thing in this case, she just cares about me) via facebook or otherwise. I told her I might go to freak fest with her (I do want to go, but I'd have to have a costume...) if she'll have me, but it would breach the no seeing eachother contract set in place.

So I went to a PTQ, sucked, didn't make top8, and now I am at home after a weekend of card slinging at 4am on my blog updating it for fun. Not too exciting, but I have finished my poetry manuscript and submitted it, which is something I look forward to hearing back on. I want to read more poetry at avols next week as well. It never seems like I have a chance to do so, so I'm going to tell my sub saharan africa teacher I'm ditching class! :P


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