Saturday, November 21, 2009

I saw you trying to smile - hey, you don't have to smile for me.


Oh yes, two blog entries in one day. I'm on FIRE! =P

I am totally in love with the song "Store" by the Mountain Goats. I seriously cannot stop listening to it. In fact, I've been in a mega Mountain Goats mood as of late, which is surprising since I scarcely listened to my 'favorite' band at all lately. I was more into a indy/pop/punk sort of mood, but now I'm back to listening to mass folk music, jeeze I'm so goofy.

I spent the majority of the day practicing guitar stuff and writing poetry. I feel so devoid of activity as of late. With a drastic reduction in the amount I've been playing Magic + the fact that school had been extremely easy for me I've had little to no difficultly finishing all the work I have, working for income, and doing tons of creative stuff. I was thinking of going out and buying new oil paints even (oh its been so long brush, I miss you) though I would have to stretch my own canvas, which I have little experience in as my mother would always be delegated to doing such things. I'm not even sure what I'd paint. Probably fantastical little creatures, or just portraits of people I know.

I played a ton of video games with Collin and his best friend Eli online this afternoon as well, probably for like three hours. I often 2nd guess the things I say, and I guess I just am who I am. I think I just need to loosen up. I'm generally not a humble person and its hard to be especially when I'm knowledgeable about something. Regardless, I think the two of them weren't really enjoying my company because I was either taking it too seriously (I can't help it I swear, I'm just naturally competitive >.<) or had comments about things happening in the game to improve it, rather than just play the game. Maybe I just over-think things? Yea, that's probably whats happening here.

Katrina also stopped by for about an hour and a half before work which was fine. We just sat on my couch (at a massive distance from each other, which was pretty awkward) and talked about basically nothing. Small talk largely, whats been going on in our lives in the huge period since I've last seen her (which was at the mountain goats show) and then she left. Not too much to say about it, really.

This coming week is pretty busy for me, I have a lot of work to get done and lots of crap due for classes. I want to go to bed early tonight (and by early I mean like, midnight or shortly thereafter) so I can get into the habit of working out // jogging earlier in the day. My sleep schedule was a little goofy for a week or so and now that I'm more back on track I'd like to keep it that way. Plus I much rather prefer to be active in the morning so I have more opportunity to be lazy in the evening =D

Yea nothing too serious to talk about really today. I am having some internal struggle about a couple things in my life but its not really public information really. Hell, its not even private information, its just some fleeting thoughts that are largely just nonsense. =)


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