Thursday, January 7, 2010

When our trails are marked by sorrow, we still smile and say "Hello."

Hi blog, I've taken a small break from you it seems.

Life has been progressing as expected, really not all that much going on to be honest. Maybe that's why I haven't been as adamant about updating this small little corner of cyberspace (oh I lust for the truth in the thought of this blog actually being one of the four corners of cyberspace) however I've found myself staying busy with some work and some good times with friends. Generally my day consists of waking up around 7-10am, working out, walking to Copps for breakfast and figuring out something non-computer related to do for the day. I'm not enrolled for school this next semester so I'm sort of just doing whatever. Not being productive for once as my lack of educational structure leaves me not knowing really how I should be procuring my time.

But really, what are the highlights, John? What are the things that have happened in the last two weeks that really matter to you, and you know, are interesting?

-I've been playing in MTG PTQs. I went 6-2 in Minneapolis this last weekend and am playing in Indianapolis as well. Sunday I plan on winning, whoo.

-Been hanging out with the general caste of people. Katie and I have seen eachother a lot lately.

-I have plans with a girl named Sarah, shes pretty coolio.

More to come, promise.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for finally updating your blog. It sounds kind of contrived, though. Which makes me wonder who you think is going to be reading it.

    Maybe I'm just mad because you mis-used one of my favorite words: procure. Which means to obtain by special care or effort, achieve, have possesion of(roughly).
    Any way I think you're neat.
