Friday, September 25, 2009

Comment allez-vous ce soir? Je suis comme ci comme ça - Yes, a penguin taught me French back in Antarctica.

Hello blog.

Class was relatively fun yesterday. It was a long lecture in Earth Science that was largely about stuff I learned much earlier in my schooling career - plate tectonics. Either way, it was fun gleefully putting input in in class while really, already knowing all the answers. It's the easy way to get credit, especially if you know you won't sound stupid answering the teacher's questions. There were some short movie clips, some joking, and that was that.

Afterwards Molly, Ross, and myself were to hang out (I believe thats what she said) but I couldn't really locate either of them, and after about 20 minutes of just sleezing around MATC I ran into a girl from my summer school class two years prior - Ashley. Ashley and I are really from two completely different walks of life. She, an estranged girl who has bounced from group home to group home all throughout her high school life, and then into MATC to become a mechanic, of all things. She explained to me in a sullen tone that she has carpel tunnel syndrome, and thinks it would be unrealistic of her to pursue mechanic related stuff with that condition, so she hopes to get into UW Madison to become an engineer to DESIGN stuff like cars, engines, etc. All and all we had some pretty lengthy discussions about foreign countries, culture shock, weird things we've heard about Japan, Germany, etc.

So afterwards I went home and played a ton of a video game called HoN, which I have been jamming a lot of these days (its actually really fun, for how little skill it takes compared to other games I like such as Starcraft, etc) and then basically waited around for 4:30, when I had to wake Madison up to go to work, and go to my evening class - History of Sub-Saharan Africa. The class went well, Lacy (our teacher) split us up into groups and we had discussion about colonial contact in west Africa, and why it happened. I think it's funny how much people complain about American globalism, when the English/Porteguise/French/Etc were literally complete assholes to the entirety of the west African people, and basically just took their land and settled it while mining gold from them. O_O

Anyway, after all of that I went home and played more irrelavent video games. I sort of wish I got invited to do things with Madison/Nicole/Kalen. But the phone never rings, so I don't impose. If they wanted me to come along they'd ask, and I can understand why Nicole/Kalen wouldn't really want my company, I'm not exactly the party type - though I still like hanging out

Have a good one, readers.



  1. Oh, I think I know Ashley. Did she work at Ella's? Is she potentially native American?

  2. Oh, i think haters gonna hate.

  3. I take it you like the weakerthans.

    they are pretty much my favorite everything
    favorite color
    favorite number

    did you ever figure out what book he is referring to when he says "something called the politics of lonely"?
