Monday, November 9, 2009

We are the living dead, the living dead, thats the way it is, the way its always been.

Such a nice weekend, really. I did very little, it was fantastic! I didn't have a magic tournament to attend to in any exotic location (though I did play a fair bit over the weekend with friends) and I played a ton of video games, wrote at least three dozen really nice poems, and worked. I have to finish up an article for TCGplayer soon so I can get some extra spending monies for this weekend. My plans for the week include a dentist appointment and classes. Whoohoo?

There was an interesting 'thread' if you will on Collin's FB wall relating to equal rights between genders that I thought was something I'd defiantly be interesting in discussing with anyone. Largely, in blunt terms, it was saying that men and women ARE NOT equal. It was not defering either gender to being superior to another, but it was saying that for certain men and women aren't equal. I found it pretty interesting to say that least, something I tended to have not thought about for fear of sounding uneducated somehow.

*all* of my poetry has been about sex. All of the poems I wrote were about sex, which is something I'm convinced of the reason for. At face value one could just say "well its been so long since you've gotten laid!" but I don't feel thats the case. I've spent the *entirety* of my writing, published work or non, private or public, talking non-discretely about human interaction, love, death, etc. The way we move feel and reflect on one another. This is something that inspired me to write in the first place - people. I do not care about nature, or how beautiful a sunset is, it is not something I find myself having any interest to write about. I've never written about sex, but I think its likely the next stage in progression in writing about people. I haven't harnessed the exact way I would like to phrase a lot of things, and its been a learning experiance for sure. How can you talk about sexual penetration in different words? "I was inside her" and "Penetration" etc are such overused words, what else is there to say though? Some things are some rotten, (I came, Tits, Pussy, etc) while others are too scientific (intercourse, penetration, etc) and I haven't found a balance on where I like to discuss sex, where I want to feel sex, and how I want to tell her what I think about sex within the context of the poem. Sometimes sex is fucking, sometimes its kissing and saying 'I love you' but that doesn't mean you can't talk about coming and fucking in one, and not ejaculating and having 'intercourse' in another. I'm just not sure where the words go, and theres very little middleground. Some words have no place (boobs, ass, dick) while others have to be used sparingly. Its actually very frustrating when editing to see this.

So regardless, thats that. Below is a poem I wrote that I found particularly striking, I've not edited yet at all (as per my waiting rule on doing so) but I feel like it turned out fine for a rough draft.


From the look in her eyes, I could see

she wanted me to split her open like a

fissure in the road.

Clothes off -
tango with your pants at your ankles; we
had not yet closed the blinds.

The oven was on, though who gives a fuck about the
casserole now, long as I had came before it burns all is well.

By my telling we had a good fifteen minutes.

A timer? How thrilling. I could tell
our shirts were not leaving the safety
of our skin. We ducked into the alcove between the
living room and the bedroom before she had
started turning the dials of my lips.

She was cracking an exotic code, not knowing
what I liked, nor I her, we began fumbling with
the numbers on the lock. She wasn't new, and despite
the bleeding from her wound she knew
a lot about apples.

I could tell it was getting closer to when I'd
'crack' the code, I didn't want to - fuck you.


  1. I really enjoyed your poem. I feel same way as you mentioned when I write, I don't like to write about how pretty sunsets are or the ways the trees move in the breeze. I think your wording was fantastic. "I could see

    she wanted me to split her open like a

    fissure in the road."

    That's how people feel. It's not a simple "I want you to fuck me."

    I cannot think of how to explain it. When I do, I'll let you know.

  2. Thank you I'm glad you liked it. =)
