Friday, November 27, 2009

With these words I will relearn you, and someday I'll see you again.

Good morning!

I went to bed pretty early last night. I bought some food from copps to eat, made said food, played a bit of video games, and then went to sleep. Ah yes it is a boring day today, BUT it is that once a week nerd-fest that I actually never go to - Friday Night Magic! I actually have found myself really grudging playing magic with others, as a large portion of my actual friends are huge magic players, but tonight I really feel like playing. Maybe just to get out and see some people, or perhaps because for once in a great while I actually feel like playing some magical cards. Either way I'll be there tonight at NWG. =P

I was thinking about how of all of the 'artsy' things I could have picked to do (like I even really had a choice...) writing was the one that stuck out for me, and the one I ran with. In a sense, being a writer is probably the worst possible of all of your options (singing, dancing, painting) as it is far and away the more difficult to showcase, and far and away the least social of all artsy activities. Writing is solitary, submitting to contests is solitary, and even writings counterpart, reading, is (mostly) solitary. It is sort of a weird thing that happens with writing. You are bound to be a hermit. It sort of blows.

Lately I've been looking into all the slam poetry stuff going on in madison (of which there is a lot) and I'm thinking of going to a reading sometime in the next two weeks or so. I usually read on the first thursday of every month at Avol's, so I'll talk to people and see if theres anything else going on that I can get involved in.

Anyway, I do feel better. I have a lot to look forward to next week as well, which is nice. :]

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