Saturday, October 3, 2009

All those 'best songs' - Whats so best about 'em?

Ugh.  I hate these moments of my life where everything is just sort of fucked for no reason.  I really just want my financial aid to come, want to pay these bills we have to pay, and want to have a real girlfriend again.  Its not a ton of things to ask of, and god damn I want to have the motivation like some people to work + do school.  I just suck so much.  Everyone I know who is in college is like working 20 hours a week and taking four classes, and I'm taking three classes and not working at all?  I'm such a fuck-up I feel so stupid sometimes, for no reason.

I need to get my shit straight, and do it now.  If there ever was a time to stop being such a fuck-face about my life and a laze-ass now is the time, I really need to just do my own thing and study hard, work hard, etc.  I don't care if I'm going to be rich in 3 months, I just need to do this stuff now. :/

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