Friday, October 2, 2009

I just want to feel the taste of the meal, and not the rotuine of dining here.


a long time friend I have not seen in many many years is coming to visit tonight, and I'm pretty nervous about it.  It sort of feels like a blind date in a weird way, because I haven't seen a photograph of her...ever?  But I know what she looked like 3-4 years ago, but as you know people change, so I just don't know what to expect.  It will probably be fun either way, we're going to hang out, catchup, and watch some movies together! :]

School has been going pretty well, nothing too too exciting.  Took an exam and turned in a paper.  The normal day to day stuff that you would expect to happen in...well classes.  =O

I don't think I ever mentioned the concert I went to in my blog, but it was totally freakin' awesome.   I saw Rock Plaza Central and the Weakerthans at the High Noon Saloon on. E Wash like 4 days ago or something, and it was seriously one of the best shows ever.  The bands were both great (As expected) and the venue was close to home and nice.  My fake ID scheme worked (borrow my brother's ID) and I managed to get in scott free.  After the show we ran into Ben Rasmussen, which was really strange (like SUPER strange) because he doesn't in any way like Indie music whatsoever, but he was with a some people including a girl named Nicole who was interested in the weakerthans.  Took a cab home, fin.

Been loving the Mates of State lately, and my TCG player job should be in full swing soon which is nice.  I might want to try and get another job in addition to that, or maybe next semester I'll stop being lazy and be more like Kalen and take like 6 classes at once O_O

1 comment:

  1. yeah, the concert was amazing. We are so popular! Everyone afterwards always says like "you guys rockkk!!!!"
