Wednesday, August 19, 2009

And I wonder, what did they do with the bodies?

Things have been progressing as uneventful as they seem to be in day to day life, it seems.

I hung out with Erykka yesterday. We had a lot of fun just talking and hanging around my apartment. I admit I'm a little frustrated about her relationship situation, but I'm resilient and patient with people these days, more than I have been before (through no choice of my own, really) I really like Erykka, *alot* which is a strange feeling to be having at a time like this. There's something very interesting about her. Her mannerisms do not necessarily reflect much of her mood, so she's difficult to read (which is something I'm in no way accustomed to) and I feel like she's not used to just 'doing whatever she wants' when shes around me. I think that if we were to end up together we'd be in a nice relationship, especially for her, someone whos not used to having a guy like me around her.

I don't really know whats going on in my head right now. I'm confused, and honestly I'm just not positive of anything anymore. I wish something absolutely disastrous would happen, like a freak accident killing someone complicated in my life off, just like that. Poof, one less problem. Sometimes I wish I was a serial killer. -_-;; I also feel restricted in my own blog, which is something I don't really enjoy feeling in any way shape or form. I'm pretty open in general but these days I've found that I'm keeping more and more to myself, something I don't particularly like doing as I don't like to compartmentalize my feelings any more than a normal human being has to on a day to day basis.

I haven't wrote a poem in a couple days, though I don't feel like that necessarily a bad thing. Since when do us poets have to be shitting out poems every 2 hours anyway? I mean, sure, I'm capable of doing so pretty easily and have been my whole life. I hate the feeling of obligation with talent. Its rotten.

Overall though, I can't say I'm particularly depressed. Love interests or no, MATC things are going well, and I'm really pretty pleased with the direction the baseline of my life is taking. School starts very shortly, and I can't say I'm not happy about it. I need SOMETHING going on my life that isn't a myriad of fucked up relationships with a bunch of people. I swear sometimes my insane mother is the only sane one in my entire life. haha. Her wisdom really stuns me sometimes, its odd. She's almost always right when she talks about me or relationships, and I tell her very little if ANYTHING about them. Though she has asked for a picture of Erykka and I together, which is a very cute thing of her to do.

Erykka, Erykka, Erykka, Erykka, etc etc. Insert a bunch of romantic type nice things to say here with a dash of Jasper and some Katrina. *sigh*

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