Friday, August 21, 2009

She's more of a lady than I'll ever be.

Hiya world.

Things have been typically typical the last 24 or so hours. I spent most of last night playing Kingdom Hearts 2 on my brothers PS2 for about 5 hours, while periodically speaking with Erykka. Jasper and her are on rough terms, though I can't really understand how a relationship functionally turns into a hellhole like that. I mean, every time I've sensed negative feelings that can only be associated with incompatibility I generally just pull the plug. No one is perfect, but if you're fighting 24/7, c'mon.

Though I often criticize myself for being slightly too logical. I am a poet, after all I should be in tune with these feelings we feel. Typically, I've always had little to no difficultly with this girlfriend theft thing in the times I've tried, but Erykka is marginally more difficult to convince than the others.

Katrina wants me to visit her tonight. It's a strange feeling. Before when we were together and I asked her to stay at her house while her parents were out of town, she kicked me out and then invited Kyle over to hang out with her at 2am in her bedroom instead of me. WHILE WE WERE DATING. I haven't put full consideration into that, but ffs, I feel really hurt that she wants to see me over at her house as much as she does. It's in no way fair, really. I might still bail even though I told her I'd go. =/

Her little ice cream party was fun, even though I showed up late and didn't eat any ice cream (when I've just woken up, I dislike eating for a couple hours. My mouth feels slow and unwilling to consume for some reason.) I still had a decent time talking to everyone. I felt weird sitting next to Katie when all of her friends who I think know she's with Kyle were there, especially Becca, who hates me for some bizarre retarded reason. Honestly, I like Becca a lot, I think she's great and I'd probably go for her if she were single and didn't have a complete distain for me. I'm also pretty pleased she's with Kevin, though. They seem to get along great. He has a nice mix of quiet personality with fun and playful fun-poking that Becca seems to like.

A guy named Ross was there who I think I may have met at some point or another somewhere but don't really remember. He was really cool and I think I wouldn't mind hanging out with him at some point in the future. I'm not really sure. O_O;; He didn't seem terribly interested when I brought the idea up to him.

I think it bothers her that her name appears so frequently in my blog. But the other wants her name to appear in my blog as much as possible, because we're friends. Then there's the 5-10 people who I know and are friends of mine who read my blog that I are just confused by the fact that not only do they never appear in my blog, but I'm constantly talking about the same basic things over and over again. T_T;;

Benjamin (my best friend since 1st grade) and I have been talking on the phone a lot lately. The best part is - its about nothing in particular. We just sort of tealk and shoot the shit about video games, his GF, music, anything really. We've always been good at that; setting aside the inane awful details of our lives for a lively conversation consisting of nothing relevant. It's lovely.

I'm marginally stressed out. Yep.



Her bones were not how mine were
geometrically. Her joints were bound
loosely by small hemp ropes - by
needle and thread.

The sun sluiced through the blinds
over the desert of her hip. Her ribcage
a tall chasm; her flesh cracked and bruised
from the fists of that orange globe.

We tried not to kiss. Her blistered
lips had already enough of that.

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